Practical Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure

Our bodies process thousands of toxins and environmental stressors on a daily basis.  There is a direct link between how many toxins we are exposing ourselves to and our ability to achieve optimal health and well-being. Some of these exposures are avoidable by changing what we put on in our bodies, on our bodies and what we do in our homes. These stressors are often hard to understand because they are not something that you can see or feel.

EMFs are electromagnetic fields and are all around us via electronic devices like our cell phones, Wi-Fi, electric wiring and lighting in our homes and even refrigerator motors. These EMFs pass through our bodies constantly, disrupting out bodies own unique electromagnetic energy field and potentially harming our cells by changing how our cells communicate with one another. While there is a huge amount of uncertainty over how harmful EMFs are to human health, there is a common theme that chronic EMF exposure may be related to ailments such as chronic fatigue, sleep issues, neurological and behavioral problems and even cancer.

EMF Exposure Unsplash

High levels of constant EMF pollution are most problematic, particularly for a subset of the population particularly susceptible to adverse symptoms from excessive exposure. Children also appear to be more vulnerable to EMFs than adults. Reducing exposure to on a daily basis can be helpful in achieving better health for you and your family. A great place to start is in our homes – where we can control the level of EMFs we are exposed to.

Here are some of the easiest and most economical ways I have found to reduce exposure:

  1. Change out the light bulbs in your homes from fluorescent or CFLs to incandescent. I know, it seems this is moving backward, but these newer bulbs give off radiofrequency radiation in addition to UV radiation and dirty electricity. The old-school incandescent light bulbs give off much less of these by-products (though they do use more electricity). Energy-efficient LED light bulbs don’t contain radiofrequency radiation or UV radiation, but they still produce dirty electricity.

  2. Reduce your exposure when you don’t need it – while you sleep. Start by putting your Wi-Fi on a timer in order to turn it off a night (cutting your exposure in half). You can also remove high EMF sources from your bedroom by putting your cell phone in airplane mode, turning it off, or keeping it out of your room entirely. If you need to access your phone at night, keep it across the room from where you are sleeping to reduce your exposure to cell phone radiation. You can also purchase a battery-operated analog or LCD alarm clock. Keep other EMF emitting things like laptops, televisions, DVD players, etc., out of your bedroom as these electronic devices are constantly emitting an EMF that affects you while you sleep and may even affect your sleep experience itself.

  3. Reduce your usage of cell phones and other devices including wearables like an Apple Watch or FitBit. Turn your Bluetooth off, and keep your phone in airplane mode whenever possible. If your kids play games or use apps on your phone or their phones, ensure they are playing in airplane mode. While the evidence on this isn’t totally clear, there may be a link between certain cancers (including the brain) as well as infertility to high levels of exposure to cell phones. Having your phone (or wearing it) close to your body is exposing you to constant radiation and EMF exposure.

  4. Take regular Epsom salt baths to reset and recharge your body. For a great detox bath and a way to reduce the body’s toxic burden from chemicals and radiation, mix one cup of Epsom salt with a half cup of baking soda. Add 2-4 drops each of frankincense, lavender, and/or juniper berry essential oils directly to the mix, then pour under running water. Do this as often as possible, at least once a week.

For more information on reducing your EMF exposure in and out of the home, here are a few books and other sources below.
