What is The Emotion Code? — A Healthy Balance


What is The Emotion Code?

I recently became a certified Emotion Code practitioner because I wanted to be able to help my clients with the blocks on the emotional side that were obviously inhibiting their journey to better health or keeping them from truly healing. I found that releasing trapped emotions to be an effective energy modality that complements the morphogenic field technique work I do with my clients. Sometimes we’d try nutrition and supplement protocols and lifestyle changes with little to no change. This is where addressing emotions come in. Emotions and specifically negative emotions become trapped in our bodies and can impact our health in any number of ways. Sometimes these emotions are even inherited or absorbed from others. Once I dove into this fascinating work (starting with the book, The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson)  I knew I had to learn as much as possible so that I could help others. 

What are trapped emotions?

Let’s start with the basics. Emotions are vibrations of pure energy. Everything in the universe, tangible or not, is made of energy and emotions are no exception. Every emotion that we feel has its own unique vibrational frequency. We are affected by the energy of our emotions simply because our bodies and everything in them is also made of energy. This is proven in quantum physics. 

While we don’t know exactly why the emotions we feel are not processed completely and get trapped, we do know that the more overwhelming or extreme an emotion is, the more likely it is to become trapped. It may be that we simply don’t process the emotion as we feel it or that the processing of the emotion is interrupted and the emotional experience is incomplete. We experience thousands of trapped emotions throughout our lives, some affect us positively and others negatively. Sometimes we can recall the challenging times that lead us to trap negative emotions and sometimes we forget them, but our subconscious mind does remember and this is what we access when we clear these trapped emotions. Retaining these negative emotions can cause significant physical and/or emotional stress. This might be what is meant by the term “emotional baggage”. 

How do trapped emotions affect the body?

How a trapped emotion affects the body is dependent on the intensity of the emotion, its vibration, its location in the body and the significance of the emotion, and where it is residing. 

Trapped emotions can manifest as:

  • Slower healing time

  • Feeling worn out or older 

  • Feeling fatigued

  • Feeling disconnected from others

  • Breakdown of organs, glands, joints, and tissue

  • Pain of all types and degrees

  • Constantly feeling certain negative emotions

  • Anxiety and depression

With myself, friends, family members and my own clients I have seen significant reduction in unexplained areas of pain, reduced anxiety, increased energy, improved healing time, better digestion and more stable mood. 

What is The Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique designed to communicate with the subconscious mind to identify and release trapped emotions—harmful emotional energies from negative past events. It uses a form of muscle testing to hone in on specific trapped emotions and utilizes the governing meridian, which runs from the end of the spine and over the head, to release the energy of the emotions. It is a simple technique that doesn’t require you to relive past negative or traumatic experiences but to simply release them with the intention to do so along with three swipes over the governing meridian. Sessions can be done in person, remotely, or via proxy and can take anywhere from 30-50 minutes. 

How Clearing Trapped Emotions Impact Health

Following a session, you can expect results to vary depending on the intensity of the emotions cleared, how many were cleared, stress levels, and more. It may take 2-3 days to process the emotions we cleared and during that time you may feel more sensitive or irritable, you may feel “echoes” of the emotions released or you may feel nothing at all. After the processing period and sometimes during it you can expect mental, spiritual, and emotional changes. Some report lightness, calmness, and more feelings of joy. You may feel less pain in an area we focused on or feel that your body’s systems and organs are functioning more normally. 

I am absolutely ecstatic about incorporating this important work into my practice and love having another modality in my tool chest to help my clients on their journey to feeling better and achieving their health goals. Clearing trapped emotions can be a wonderful complement to any healing journey whether it's working on your nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle with me for optimal digestion, balanced energy, mood, and stress, or general health and vitality, or other mental and emotional work you may be doing with a mental health practitioner.  

Ready to try out a session for yourself?