What Is An Emotion Code Session Like?
An Emotion Code session is an energy healing modality that involves a gentle, non-invasive, and safe approach to finding and releasing negative trapped emotions in the body.
The goal is to identify and release negative emotions that are:
Trapped during specific events in your life involving friends, family members, relationships, specific traumatic events, and more
Causing you physical, mental-emotional pain or problems with the proper functioning of the body (i.e. digestion, hormonal health)
Once we determine the topic(s) we will explore in your session, I begin by using muscle testing to communicate with your subconscious to hone in on specific trapped emotions that relate to the topic you’ve chosen to work on. I use this chart. Once an emotion is identified, we can ask additional questions to learn more about the specific emotion. We can learn:
The approximate time frame in which the emotion was trapped
Whether you absorbed it from someone else
Whether the emotion was inherited and how far back it goes
The location in the body where the emotion was residing
More details about the event
Once we know the emotion and have the information needed, you will “swipe it away” by moving your hand over the primary meridian (from your forehead to the back of your neck). The simplest definition of the primary meridian is that it is the main energetic highway in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of energy, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to circulate throughout the body. By swiping away the emotion you are dislodging it and moving it out. That emotion is now permanently removed.
We then repeat the process of finding and removing additional emotions until your subconscious tells us that you are ready to stop. After a session, your body goes through a processing period that usually lasts from 1-3 days where your body needs time to process, heal and fill the void with positive energy. Some people don’t notice anything different during the processing period, while others feel lighter, happier, and others may experience some of the emotions that we worked to release. Some notice less pain in areas where we focused on removing emotions. Others see a subtle to a significant reduction in the symptoms related to specific areas of dysfunction that we’ve focused on.
After the processing period, your subconscious will be ready to do another session. We have thousands of trapped emotions in our bodies so it may take some time to clear the emotions that relate to certain issues you are working on.
Ready to book a session? Let’s get started!