How to Naturally Support Digestive Function

A lot of factors influence the amount of stomach acid and digestive enzymes our bodies produce. As we grow older, our bodies naturally produce less stomach acid and digestive enzymes, but this is also a function of our diet and lifestyles as well. Digestion can become impaired due to a number of different issues including stress, excess sugar and alcohol consumption, nutritional deficiencies, or allergies and food sensitivities.

HCl is a critically important part of digestion. It is a gastric secretion originated in the stomach that enables the body to break down proteins (into amino acids to be used for neurotransmitters), activate important enzymes and hormones, and acts as the first line of defense against pathogens, parasites, and bacterial overgrowth in the gut. Given that HCl is such a critical part of the process at such an early stage, not having enough can really wreak havoc on the entire digestive chain.

You might be surprised to know that symptoms of low stomach acid include heartburn, indigestion and bloating. Conventional wisdom has led us to believe that these symptoms are caused by too much stomach acid and doctors commonly provide us with prescriptions for antacids, H-2 receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors all of which are designed to reduce or block stomach acid. Most of the time, people with these symptoms actually have low stomach acid, and not high. These drugs end up masking the problem instead of actually trying to help it and often make the problem even worse.

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Other symptoms of low stomach acid and other digestive aids may include a desire to eat when not hungry, a sense of fullness after meals, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea. Our body also produces bile to break down fat, which originates in the gallbladder and other digestive enzymes which are produced by the pancreas. So how do we best support our bodies to allow them to naturally improve your body’s ability to get this digestive fire going? 

Here are my suggestions to naturally and easily stimulate your digestive juices and get the process working like it is supposed to without adding another supplement to your diet.

Prep your body for digestion. This will stimulate the production of gastric juices and send signals to your digestive tract to know that food will soon be coming down the hatch. Here are some good options:

  1. Drink warm water with lemon. Half a cup of warm or room temperature water with a squeeze or two of lemon should do it.

  2. Drink apple cider vinegar. Take one to two teaspoons diluted in about a half cup of room temperature water. The key here is, raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (preferably organic). 

  3.  Take bitters before meals. Bitter flavors stimulate the digestive flow, increasing the production of saliva and salivary amylase and triggering stomach acid and other digestive juices. Take about ¼ teaspoon of bitters before your meal (or suggested serving size) straight or diluted in a half cup of water. Make sure to use real bitters (my favorite is Urban Moonshine) that are made from organic ingredients and don’t contain fillers or additives. These days I keep the travel-sized bitters in my bag and use it on the go. Instead of the dropper, it is in a convenient spray able bottle. I use my larger bottle to refill the travel bottle when it runs low

Breath. If you are stressed out, you will not properly digest your food. Aim to always sit down to eat, with minimal distractions. Try taking 5 deep belly breaths before you eat can help to switch your body from a sympathetic “fight or flight” mode to a parasympathetic “rest and digest” mode.

Chew, chew, chew. Digestion is a very demanding task for the body and actually requires a great deal of energy. Saliva contains digestive enzymes, so the longer you chew, the more time these enzymes have to break down your food, making digestion easier on your stomach and small intestine. Shoot for about 30-40 chews per bite. This may seem like a lot, but your food should be liquid before it goes down to the small intestine.

Put that fork down. Between bites that is. This will encourage you to slow down and keep calm. It also makes for more mindful eating where you will be able to taste your food better, enjoy the process and also check in with your hunger cues to avoid over-eating.

Keep water drinking to a minimum. Drinking too much water or other beverages with your mail can dilute your stomach acid and other gastric juices. Aim to take small sips and aim to drink more water away from mealtime.

These strategies are great for supporting your digestion and will allow the process to function in the way that it is meant to. Try these out for a few weeks and let me know how it goes! Many of my clients notice big changes in their digestion by incorporating these habits. You might see less bloating and gas and better (and more consistent!) bowel movements.

If you’ve tried these strategies, but continue to struggle with digestive symptoms, let’s do a deeper dive into the root cause of your discomfort. Schedule a session with me and let’s get started!