Boost Your Immunity Naturally

Our immune systems are complicated and directly tied to diet and lifestyle factors like stress and sleep, given their relationship with our adrenal, digestive, and hormonal systems. Here are some easy strategies to support your immune function throughout this season both before you are sick and when you have already come down with something that don’t involve taking another supplement, and won’t break the bank!

Eat a nutrient-dense whole foods diet. Make sure to include multiple servings of colorful fruits and vegetables which can be great sources of prebiotic fiber that feed the healthy bacteria in our gut. Garlic, onions and leeks, asparagus, bananas, plantains, apples and seaweed are all great sources of prebiotic fiber. Aim to eat a variety of greens, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower), peppers, sweet potatoes, and squashes which are high in vitamins C, A, and phytonutrients that support the immune system. Aim for 2 servings of fruits and 8 or more servings of vegetables.

We can’t forget about mushrooms! Not exactly a fruit or a vegetable, mushrooms can provide a great natural, nutrition boost to improve your immunity, energy, and longevity. You can’t go wrong with any type of mushroom but some will give you more bang for your buck. Packed with antioxidants, Chaga mushrooms are one of the most potent immune boosters that we can consume. I love Four Sigmatic’s chaga elixer and their 10 Mushroom Blend. Turkey tail is strong immunity booster and is one of the most nourishing mushrooms for gut health. It’s also a powerful prebiotic which supports the microbiome by feeding the good bacteria in the gut which relates back to our immune system. Reishi and Cordyceps are also wonderful mushrooms with immune boosting properties. Cooking with medicinal mushrooms like shitake is also helpful.

While most Americans eat adequate amounts of protein, some do not such as the elderly and vegetarian/vegan populations. Protein is critical for immune function and protein malnutrition is a big risk factor for death from infections. A good rule of thumb is to eat a minimum of approximately half your body weight in grams of protein a day of organic, clean protein, or about two four-ounce servings. Animal proteins including seafood, contain abundant immune supportive vitamins including vitamin A, B6, B12, D and E and minerals like iron, copper, zinc and selenium. Plant-based proteins like organic tofu and tempeh contain the most plant-based protein but legumes, nuts and seeds will suffice if consumed in enough quantity.

Minimize refined sugars. According to a 1973 study by Loma Linda University, Eating or drinking too much sugar reduces the ability of your white blood cells to kill germs and bacteria (possibly up to 50%) for at least a few hours after you consume it. White blood cells need vitamin C to destroy bacteria and viruses and sugar impacts this process by competing with vitamin C for space in those cells. The more sugar in your system, the less you will uptake vitamin C into your white blood cells. Consuming sugar inhibits your body’s ability to fight off infection and keeps your immune system from doing its job. Try to eat mostly natural sugars in the form of fruits, vegetables and properly prepared grains and legumes. Consume natural sugars such as honey and maple syrup in moderation.

Drink bone broth and warm beverages. Broths have been used in traditional cuisines around the world for thousands of years. Properly prepared meat broths are extremely nutritious – containing minerals, electrolytes and gut healing gelatin from animal bones, cartilage, marrow and vegetables. Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, found that the amino acids produced in the making of chicken bone broth reduced inflammation in the respiratory system and improved digestion. It is known to support normal immune system function (probably as a link to reduced inflammation in the gut) and reduce symptoms of allergies, asthma, and arthritis. Homemade is best, but Kettle and Fire makes an excellent shelf stable bone broth and Bonefide Provisions is distributed nationwide and can be found in the freezer section of some grocery stores. Teas with turmeric, ginger, mushrooms and other immune-boosting herbs are all great and make sure to drink plenty of water! Add a squeeze of lemon for an extra kick of vitamin C.

Mug and Bed

Eat fermented foods. Fermented foods go through a lactofermentation process where natural bacteria feed on the sugar in the food, creating lactic acid. The fermentation helps to preserve the food while creating beneficial enzymes, vitamins and various probiotic strains. Probiotics not only introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive system and help the balance of flora, they are also known to support the immune system by secrete antibacterial peptides, capable of killing off harmful bacteria in the gut. They also help strengthen the barrier function of the intestinal lining, lowering the chance of bacteria in the intestines entering into the blood stream. This function may decrease infections and immune related reactions, therefore supporting the immune system. I like to eat my probiotics through eating foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, but a high quality grass fed or coconut milk yogurt can be helpful too as are fermented drinks such as kefir and kombucha (watch the sugar content).

Get outside / Move your body. Not only can getting some sun help to naturally boost your vitamin D levels which supports the immune system, but physical activity may help to flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways thereby reducing your chances of getting sick. Moderate exercise also causes more activity and circulation in antibodies and white blood cells which may allow them to detect illnesses earlier. Some anecdotal evidence shows that the brief rise in body temperature during and after exercise may prevent bacteria from growing or may help fight infection better (similar to how a fever works). Mild to moderate exercise or activity such as walking, yoga and light movement may be good for you when you are sick, but listen to your body and do not overdo it. Too much exercise and too extreme could actually cause more harm than good and can lower your immune defenses.

Minimize stress. Stress can create physiological stress in our bodies, lowering our immune defenses and making us more vulnerable to illness. Stress is known to lower our white blood cell’s ability to kill germs which may also inhibit your recovery. When you are feeling under the weather, aim to get plenty of sleep and try to take some time away from work and other daily stressors. Meditation, breath work, yoga taking a hot bath or a short walk may help to reduce stress and allow your body to heal faster. This is the time to catch up on your reading or podcast list or to veg out with your favorite Netflix show. I know that this is easier said than done, especially if you have a demanding job or are a parent, but your ability to rest will directly correlate to how quickly you are feeling better and back on your feet.

Get sufficient sleep. Sleep restores and heals the body and helps to keep our immune system strong. There are many studies that show that insufficient sleep weakens our immune response and makes us more susceptible to viruses and illness. Aim for seven to eight hours a night whenever possible.  
