3 Steps to Connect To Your Food + Your Mind +Your Body
I love to use the acronym RCA when it comes to slowing down and connecting your meals to your body and your mind.
Why do this? The practice of being mindful while eating allows us to pay attention not only to our food but ourselves. When we eat under stress, we are robbing our bodies of nourishment and the nutrients we need to thrive. I say this all the time, it isn't always about what we eat, but how we eat that can make a difference in your health.
Our autonomic nervous system regulates the functions of our internal organs such as the heart, the stomach, and the intestines. There are two parts: The sympathetic nervous system is activated when our body’s in a stressed or “Fight or Flight” state. This state of stress causes non-essential processes like digestion to significantly slow down as blood is moved away from the digestive system and into the muscles and heart so we can RUN. This is an important side of our nervous system that protects us from danger however, in a sympathetic state digestion is turned OFF. This is not an ideal state to be eating in yet in our culture it’s considered normal. The more conscious you become of eating in this state, the easier it is to shift out of it.
The parasympathetic nervous system is activated when our body is in a state of “Rest and Digest” and keeps our bodies in balance. It is the optimal healing state and allows the body to relax, repair, and utilize the food we are giving it. Muscles relax and saliva is increased, which is the first part of the digestive process. This is the optimal state to be in when we are eating because digestion is turned ON.
Deep breathing and practicing gratitude is one of the most effective ways to shift into a parasympathetic state. Try placing one hand over your heart and one hand over your belly and take 3 deep breaths nice and slow to start your meal. If your food is not properly broken down through chewing, then the rest of the digestive process will be significantly stressed. One of the fastest ways to slow down is to engage the senses. Closing your eyes for the first of couple bites and truly engaging in the textures, smell, and taste is a great way to appreciate what you are eating.
Here are some other ways to bring about a parasympathetic state to prep your body for eating (and any time you are feeling stressed / sympathetic dominant!
Getting outside for a walk, hike, gardening, sitting in your yard or the park
Cuddle with a pet or loved one
Gentle movement like walking, yoga or stretching
Sing or laugh
Call a close friend or family member
Chewing is another important part of RCA. The more you chew, the more time your salivary enzymes have to break down your food, making digestion easier on your stomach and small intestine, particularly for fats and carbohydrates. Additionally, when you chew well your brain has more time to signal to the rest of the body to begin the process of digestion, providing the proper signaling for all of the different organs and hormones involved.
When food is in smaller pieces, it is easier for your intestines to absorb nutrients from passing food and it also allows your body to more efficiently convert those nutrients to energy. The stomach may not be able to break down large particles of improperly chewed food. In the small intestine, improperly digested food can ferment, putrefy or rancidify. The bacteria will eventually begin to break down these particles which can lead to gas and bloating and other digestive problems.
Lastly, you want to enjoy your meal! Slowing down and really enjoying and appreciating all the flavors on your plate will automatically put you in a relaxed, less stressed state. Not only will it support digestion and the physical part of eating easier, but you will mentally be able to really connect to all of the sensations and connect your body to the food you are eating. Try out RCA and let me know how it goes!